EHRC will probe the housing crisis facing disabled people in Scotland

Independent Living in Scotland, an Inclusion Scotland project, joined forces with Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living, Capability Scotland, Scottish Disability Equality Forum, Blackwood and the Scottish Older People’s Assembly to produce a report of an event held on the eve of the United Nations International Disabled People’s Day. The report calls for all disabled people and those with long-term conditions, to be able to choose a home that meets their needs by being accessible, adaptable, affordable and in the right area.

This applies to all types of housing tenure including private housing, and not just social rented housing.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission say that they will take a thorough look at the problem and will report to policy makers at the highest level.  This is one of the Commission’s work priorities for 2016/17, providing the Scottish element of a GB report into whether housing for disabled people allows them to live independently.

The exact terms of the inquiry will be made known next week.
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