Scotland’s Civil Society Network to Defend and Promote Human Rights

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

The Convention is monitored by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

CEDAW was ratified by the UK in 1986. Governments submit state reports roughly every four years.

The UK’s last state report was made in 2017, and concluding observations made in 2019. The UK made a follow-up report in May 2021. The next monitoring round for the UK is not known, but unofficially we have heard this may be stalled until 2027

Stages of monitoring states’ obligation with the CEDAW

  1. State reporting
  2. Shadow reports by organisations
  3. Pre-session working group. A list of issues and questions, for the states whose report will be considered two sessions later, is created.
  4. State reply and dialogue with the committee
  5. Concluding observations
  6. Follow-up procedure

Guidance for NGO submissions on the CEDAW

Submissions should be sent by email

Submissions should:

NGOs are also encouraged to provide reports or other state-specific information to the pre-session working group

Submissions should be sent by email and by post (10 hard copies), at least two weeks before the beginning of the pre-session working group.

The submission should include:

Submission should be sent via email to:

Useful guides & links
