Disabled People’s Rights – CRPD
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is a United Nations treaty which protects the rights of disabled people. It protects their right to be free from discrimination, as well as rights which affect disabled people specifically, such as the right to independent living.
About this Treaty
- The UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD)- full text
- The UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities: easy read version
- Consortium Infographic on the CRPD
- Our International Human Rights: CRPD with Cathy Asante– a recording of a previous Consortium event, featuring Cathy Asante, Legal Officer at the Scottish Human Rights Commission
- What is the UN CRPD?– a video from Inclusion Europe explaining the basics of the UNCRPD
- All Our Rights are Linked- Environmental Rights + Disabled People’s Rights- a recording of a previous Consortium event exploring the link between disabled people’s rights and the right to a healthy environment
- UN Disability Convention animation: Being part of Scotland’s story– a video from the Scottish Human Rights Commission and the Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland
The CRPD in Scotland
The Scottish Government has committed to incorporation of the CRPD into Scots law, as far as it can within the limits of devolution. They will do so through the Scottish Human Rights Bill.