Scotland’s Civil Society Network to Defend and Promote Human Rights

#HumanRights2020s: Why Do We Need A New Human Rights Law for Scotland?

Duration: 57:52 | Download (106MB)

This episode of the #HumanRights2020s podcast is a recording of a webinar held on the 30th August 2021, entitled ‘Why Do We Need a New Human Rights Law for Scotland?’ The webinar explored the Scottish Government’s commitment to incorporate 4 United Nations human rights treaties into Scots Law, and the impact this could have on the protection and promotion of human rights in Scotland.


The speakers were Professor Alan Miller, Professor of Practice at the University of Strathclyde and former Independent Co-Chair of National Task Force for Human Rights Leadership, and Juliet Harris, Director of Together- Scotland’s Alliance for Children’s Rights.


This webinar was the first in a series of 4 webinars focussed on the incorporation of international human rights treaties into Scots law. Click here to learn more about the webinars.
